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Fate vs. Destiny: Know the Difference

Shumaila Saeed
By Shumaila Saeed || Updated on December 25, 2023
"Fate" refers to a predetermined course of events often beyond human control, whereas "Destiny" is about a predetermined future that one is meant to fulfill or achieve.
Fate vs. Destiny

Key Differences

"Fate" often implies a fixed, inevitable outcome, typically beyond personal control or human intervention. "Destiny," however, suggests a predetermined path or purpose that one is meant to fulfill, often with an implication of greatness or achievement.
Shumaila Saeed
Shumaila Saeed
Nov 15, 2023
The concept of "fate" is usually associated with a sense of resignation or acceptance, as it is seen as unchangeable and predetermined. In contrast, "destiny" often carries a more active, aspirational tone, implying that one has a role in fulfilling their predetermined future.
Shumaila Saeed
Shumaila Saeed
Nov 15, 2023
In literature and mythology, "fate" is often depicted as a force that unalterably decides the end of stories and characters, with a somewhat fatalistic tone. "Destiny," conversely, is frequently portrayed as a journey towards a significant and often heroic purpose.
Shumaila Saeed
Shumaila Saeed
Nov 15, 2023
"Fate" can have a negative connotation, suggesting unavoidable misfortune or doom. On the other hand, "destiny" is generally viewed more positively, often associated with fulfilling one's potential or achieving something significant.
Shumaila Saeed
Shumaila Saeed
Nov 15, 2023
In everyday language, "fate" is often used to describe situations or outcomes that appear to be predetermined and unavoidable, whereas "destiny" is used more in the context of achieving long-term goals or realizing one's aspirations.
Shumaila Saeed
Shumaila Saeed
Nov 15, 2023

Comparison Chart


Fixed, inevitable outcome
Predetermined path or purpose
Shumaila Saeed
Shumaila Saeed
Nov 15, 2023


Beyond personal control
Suggests a role in fulfillment
Shumaila Saeed
Shumaila Saeed
Nov 15, 2023


Often fatalistic or negative
Aspirational, positive
Shumaila Saeed
Shumaila Saeed
Nov 15, 2023

Usage in Literature

Decides end of stories
Journey towards significant purpose
Shumaila Saeed
Shumaila Saeed
Nov 15, 2023

Everyday Connotation

Unavoidable, often misfortune
Fulfilling potential, achieving goals
Shumaila Saeed
Shumaila Saeed
Nov 15, 2023

Fate and Destiny Definitions


A course that cannot be changed.
They met by fate, not by choice.
Shumaila Saeed
Shumaila Saeed
Nov 15, 2023


A path with a significant purpose.
He followed his destiny to greatness.
Shumaila Saeed
Shumaila Saeed
Nov 15, 2023


A predestined doom or fortune.
Fate had a different plan for him.
Shumaila Saeed
Shumaila Saeed
Nov 15, 2023


A future meant to be fulfilled.
She believed it was her destiny to help others.
Shumaila Saeed
Shumaila Saeed
Nov 15, 2023


An unavoidable future.
Fate brought them together again.
Shumaila Saeed
Shumaila Saeed
Nov 15, 2023


Realizing one’s potential.
Destiny led her to become a leader.
Shumaila Saeed
Shumaila Saeed
Nov 15, 2023


The supposed force, principle, or power that predetermines events
Fate did not favor his career.
Shumaila Saeed
Shumaila Saeed
Oct 19, 2023


A journey towards a long-term goal.
His destiny was to explore new worlds.
Shumaila Saeed
Shumaila Saeed
Nov 15, 2023


The inevitable events predestined by this force
It was her fate to marry a lout.
Shumaila Saeed
Shumaila Saeed
Oct 19, 2023


The inevitable or necessary fate to which a particular person or thing is destined; one's lot.
Shumaila Saeed
Shumaila Saeed
Oct 19, 2023


A final result or consequence; an outcome
What was the fate of your project?.
Shumaila Saeed
Shumaila Saeed
Oct 19, 2023


A predetermined course of events considered as something beyond human power or control
"Marriage and hanging go by destiny" (Robert Burton).
Shumaila Saeed
Shumaila Saeed
Oct 19, 2023


An unfavorable outcome in life; doom or death
Suffered a fate worse than death.
The island where the explorer met his fate.
Shumaila Saeed
Shumaila Saeed
Oct 19, 2023


The power or agency thought to predetermine events
Destiny brought them together.
Shumaila Saeed
Shumaila Saeed
Oct 19, 2023


Fates Greek & Roman Mythology The three goddesses, Clotho, Lachesis, and Atropos, who control human destiny. Used with the.
Shumaila Saeed
Shumaila Saeed
Oct 19, 2023


That to which any person or thing is destined; a predetermined state; a condition predestined by the Divine or by human will.
Death is the destiny of all mortal men.
Shumaila Saeed
Shumaila Saeed
Oct 19, 2023


The presumed cause, force, principle, or divine will that predetermines events.
Shumaila Saeed
Shumaila Saeed
Oct 19, 2023


That which is inevitable in the fullness of time.
Shumaila Saeed
Shumaila Saeed
Oct 19, 2023


The effect, consequence, outcome, or inevitable events predetermined by this cause.
Shumaila Saeed
Shumaila Saeed
Oct 19, 2023


One's eventual fate (not necessarily inevitable or predestined).
Shumaila Saeed
Shumaila Saeed
Oct 19, 2023


An event or a situation which is inevitable in the fullness of time.
Shumaila Saeed
Shumaila Saeed
Oct 19, 2023


The fixed order of things; invincible necessity; an irresistible power or agency conceived of as determining the future, whether in general or of an individual.
Dara doesn't believe in using dating apps - she insists that destiny will find her other half.
Shumaila Saeed
Shumaila Saeed
Oct 19, 2023


Destiny; often with a connotation of death, ruin, misfortune, etc.
Accept your fate.
Shumaila Saeed
Shumaila Saeed
Oct 19, 2023


That to which any person or thing is destined; predetermined state; condition foreordained by the Divine or by human will; fate; lot; doom.
Thither heWill come to know his destiny.
No man of woman born,Coward or brave, can shun his destiny.
Shumaila Saeed
Shumaila Saeed
Oct 19, 2023


(mythology) Fate (one of the goddesses said to control the destiny of human beings).
Shumaila Saeed
Shumaila Saeed
Oct 19, 2023


The fixed order of things; invincible necessity; fate; a resistless power or agency conceived of as determining the future, whether in general or of an individual.
But who can turn the stream of destiny?
Fame comes only when deserved, and then is as inevitable as destiny, for it is destiny.
Marked by the Destinies to be avoided.
Shumaila Saeed
Shumaila Saeed
Oct 19, 2023


(biochemistry) The products of a chemical reaction in their final form in the biosphere.
Shumaila Saeed
Shumaila Saeed
Oct 19, 2023


An event (or a course of events) that will inevitably happen in the future
Shumaila Saeed
Shumaila Saeed
Oct 19, 2023


(embryology) The mature endpoint of a region, group of cells or individual cell in an embryo, including all changes leading to that mature endpoint
Shumaila Saeed
Shumaila Saeed
Oct 19, 2023


The ultimate agency that predetermines the course of events (often personified as a woman);
We are helpless in the face of Destiny
Shumaila Saeed
Shumaila Saeed
Oct 19, 2023


(transitive) To foreordain or predetermine, to make inevitable.
The oracle's prediction fated Oedipus to kill his father; not all his striving could change what would occur.
Shumaila Saeed
Shumaila Saeed
Oct 19, 2023


Your overall circumstances or condition in life (including everything that happens to you);
Whatever my fortune may be
Deserved a better fate
Has a happy lot
The luck of the Irish
A victim of circumstances
Success that was her portion
Shumaila Saeed
Shumaila Saeed
Oct 19, 2023


A fixed decree by which the order of things is prescribed; the immutable law of the universe; inevitable necessity; the force by which all existence is determined and conditioned.
Necessity and chanceApproach not me; and what I will is fate.
Beyond and above the Olympian gods lay the silent, brooding, everlasting fate of which victim and tyrant were alike the instruments.
Shumaila Saeed
Shumaila Saeed
Oct 19, 2023


Realization of aspirations.
Her destiny was to change the world.
Shumaila Saeed
Shumaila Saeed
Nov 15, 2023


Appointed lot; allotted life; arranged or predetermined event; destiny; especially, the final lot; doom; ruin; death.
The great, th'important day, big with the fateOf Cato and of Rome.
Our wills and fates do so contrary runThat our devices still are overthrown.
The whizzing arrow sings,And bears thy fate, Antinous, on its wings.
Shumaila Saeed
Shumaila Saeed
Oct 19, 2023


The element of chance in the affairs of life; the unforeseen and unestimated conitions considered as a force shaping events; fortune; esp., opposing circumstances against which it is useless to struggle; as, fate was, or the fates were, against him.
A brave man struggling in the storms of fate.
Sometimes an hour of Fate's serenest weather strikes through our changeful sky its coming beams.
Shumaila Saeed
Shumaila Saeed
Oct 19, 2023


The three goddesses, Clotho, Lachesis, and Atropos, sometimes called the Destinies, or Parcæwho were supposed to determine the course of human life. They are represented, one as holding the distaff, a second as spinning, and the third as cutting off the thread.
Shumaila Saeed
Shumaila Saeed
Oct 19, 2023


An event (or a course of events) that will inevitably happen in the future
Shumaila Saeed
Shumaila Saeed
Oct 19, 2023


The ultimate agency that predetermines the course of events (often personified as a woman);
We are helpless in the face of Destiny
Shumaila Saeed
Shumaila Saeed
Oct 19, 2023


Your overall circumstances or condition in life (including everything that happens to you);
Whatever my fortune may be
Deserved a better fate
Has a happy lot
The luck of the Irish
A victim of circumstances
Success that was her portion
Shumaila Saeed
Shumaila Saeed
Oct 19, 2023


Decree or designate beforehand;
She was destined to become a great pianist
Shumaila Saeed
Shumaila Saeed
Oct 19, 2023


Inevitable end or result.
It was his fate to live a short life.
Shumaila Saeed
Shumaila Saeed
Nov 15, 2023


A power beyond human influence.
Fate decided their final outcome.
Shumaila Saeed
Shumaila Saeed
Nov 15, 2023

Repeatedly Asked Queries

Can "destiny" be changed?

"Destiny" suggests a path one is meant to follow, which can sometimes be influenced by personal choices.
Shumaila Saeed
Shumaila Saeed
Nov 15, 2023

Does "fate" imply lack of control?

Yes, fate typically suggests events beyond human control.
Shumaila Saeed
Shumaila Saeed
Nov 15, 2023

Can "fate" be a positive force?

It can be, but it's often viewed as neutral or negative.
Shumaila Saeed
Shumaila Saeed
Nov 15, 2023

Is "destiny" associated with personal goals?

Yes, it often relates to fulfilling personal aspirations or potential.
Shumaila Saeed
Shumaila Saeed
Nov 15, 2023

Can "destiny" be self-determined?

"Destiny" implies predetermination but also allows for personal effort in its realization.
Shumaila Saeed
Shumaila Saeed
Nov 15, 2023

Does "fate" have a role in mythology?

Yes, it's a common theme in various mythologies.
Shumaila Saeed
Shumaila Saeed
Nov 15, 2023

Is "fate" always negative?

Not always, but it often has a fatalistic connotation.
Shumaila Saeed
Shumaila Saeed
Nov 15, 2023

Does "destiny" imply a greater purpose?

Yes, it often connotes a significant or special purpose.
Shumaila Saeed
Shumaila Saeed
Nov 15, 2023

Can "fate" be related to misfortune?

Yes, it's often linked with unavoidable misfortune.
Shumaila Saeed
Shumaila Saeed
Nov 15, 2023

Can "destiny" be associated with heroism?

Yes, destiny is frequently linked with heroic journeys.
Shumaila Saeed
Shumaila Saeed
Nov 15, 2023

Does "destiny" imply a long-term journey?

Yes, it often suggests a long-term path or journey.
Shumaila Saeed
Shumaila Saeed
Nov 15, 2023

Can "fate" be escaped or altered?

Traditionally, fate is viewed as unalterable.
Shumaila Saeed
Shumaila Saeed
Nov 15, 2023

Is "fate" predetermined?

Yes, fate is generally seen as a predetermined course.
Shumaila Saeed
Shumaila Saeed
Nov 15, 2023

Is "fate" bound by time?

Fate is typically seen as timeless or inevitable in any time.
Shumaila Saeed
Shumaila Saeed
Nov 15, 2023

Is "destiny" a common theme in literature?

Yes, destiny is often explored in literary works.
Shumaila Saeed
Shumaila Saeed
Nov 15, 2023

Is "destiny" related to individual aspirations?

Yes, it's often about realizing personal goals or purposes.
Shumaila Saeed
Shumaila Saeed
Nov 15, 2023

Does "destiny" always lead to success?

Not necessarily, but it implies a significant journey or outcome.
Shumaila Saeed
Shumaila Saeed
Nov 15, 2023

Is "fate" used to explain the inexplicable?

Yes, it's often used to rationalize unexplainable events.
Shumaila Saeed
Shumaila Saeed
Nov 15, 2023

Does "fate" play a role in human relationships?

Yes, it's sometimes used to explain the nature of relationships.
Shumaila Saeed
Shumaila Saeed
Nov 15, 2023

Can "destiny" be a matter of choice?

While destiny is predetermined, personal choices can influence its course.
Shumaila Saeed
Shumaila Saeed
Nov 15, 2023

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Shumaila Saeed
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Shumaila Saeed
Shumaila Saeed, an expert content creator with 6 years of experience, specializes in distilling complex topics into easily digestible comparisons, shining a light on the nuances that both inform and educate readers with clarity and accuracy.

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