Cow vs. Buffalo: Know the Difference

By Shumaila Saeed || Updated on December 27, 2023
A cow is a domesticated bovine animal kept for milk or meat, while a buffalo is a larger, more robust animal, often wild, known for its strength and also farmed for milk and meat.

Key Differences
Cows typically have a varied coat color, smaller size, and shorter, curved horns. Buffaloes are larger with a heavier build, darker skin, and longer, more pronounced horns.

Shumaila Saeed
Dec 27, 2023
Cows are widely domesticated and kept in various environments for dairy and meat. Buffaloes are more commonly found in wild or semi-wild conditions, though domestic varieties like water buffaloes are also raised for similar purposes.

Shumaila Saeed
Dec 27, 2023
Cow milk is a staple in many diets, known for its richness and versatility. Buffalo milk is richer, containing higher fat content and is a primary source of mozzarella cheese.

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Dec 27, 2023
Cows are generally more docile and easier to handle, making them a preferred choice for farming. Buffaloes are often stronger and more independent, requiring different handling techniques.

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Dec 27, 2023
Besides dairy and meat production, cows are also used for plowing and other farming activities. Buffaloes, particularly in Asian countries, are employed for heavy tasks like tilling rice fields.

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Dec 27, 2023
Comparison Chart
Cow and Buffalo Definitions
A cow is a domesticated female bovine animal.
The farmer's cow produces fresh milk daily.

Shumaila Saeed
Dec 27, 2023
A buffalo is a large, heavily built wild bovine.
The buffalo roamed freely on the grassland.

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Dec 27, 2023
Cow is used in farming for milk, meat, and sometimes as a draft animal.
The small farm had several cows for milking.

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Dec 27, 2023
In North America, 'buffalo' often incorrectly refers to the bison.
The American buffalo, or bison, is a symbol of the Great Plains.

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Dec 27, 2023
'Cow' can also mean to intimidate or subdue.
The manager's harsh words cowed the staff.

Shumaila Saeed
Dec 27, 2023
Buffalo refers to the water buffalo, a domesticated animal in Asia.
Water buffaloes are essential for rice farming in Southeast Asia.

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Dec 27, 2023
In colloquial use, 'cow' can imply an unpleasant or disliked woman.
She was unfairly called a cow by her colleagues.

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Dec 27, 2023
Buffaloes are known for their strength and are used for plowing and transport.
The farmer used his buffalo to plow the field.

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Dec 27, 2023
Any of several large African and Asian ruminant mammals of the family Bovidae, such as the water buffalo and the African buffalo.

Shumaila Saeed
Oct 19, 2023
The mature female of certain other large animals, such as elephants, moose, or whales.

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Oct 19, 2023
An adult female of the species Bos taurus, especially one that has calved.
Cow milk is the most common form of milk in Europe.

Shumaila Saeed
Oct 19, 2023
Any of several North American suckers of the genus Ictiobus, having a dark body and an arched back. Also called buffalo fish.

Shumaila Saeed
Oct 19, 2023
(uncommon) Beef: the meat of cattle as food.
The only meat I eat is cow.

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Oct 19, 2023
To intimidate or frighten, as by a display of authority
“The board couldn't buffalo the federal courts as it had the Comptroller” (American Banker).

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Oct 19, 2023
(uncommon) Any bovines or bovids generally, including yaks, buffalo, etc.

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Oct 19, 2023
To confuse or deceive
“Too often ... job seekers have buffaloed lenders as to their competency and training” (H. Jane Lehman).

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Oct 19, 2023
(biology) A female member of other large species of mammal, including the bovines, moose, whales, seals, hippos, rhinos, manatees, and elephants.

Shumaila Saeed
Oct 19, 2023
Any of the Old World mammals of the family Bovidae, such as the Cape buffalo, Syncerus caffer, or the water buffalo Bubalus bubalis.

Shumaila Saeed
Oct 19, 2023
A woman considered unpleasant in some way, particularly one considered nasty, stupid, fat, lazy, or difficult.

Shumaila Saeed
Oct 19, 2023
To intimidate; to daunt the spirits or courage of.
Con artists are not cowed by the law.

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Oct 19, 2023
To depress with fear; to daunt the spirits or courage of; to overawe.
To vanquish a people already cowed.
THe French king was cowed.

Shumaila Saeed
Oct 19, 2023
A species of the genus Bos or Bubalus (Bubalus bubalus), originally from India, but now found in most of the warmer countries of the eastern continent. It is larger and less docile than the common ox, and is fond of marshy places and rivers.

Shumaila Saeed
Oct 19, 2023
A very large and savage species of the same genus (Syncerus Caffer syn. Bubalus Caffer) found in South Africa; - called also Cape buffalo.

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Oct 19, 2023
Subdue, restrain, or overcome by affecting with a feeling of awe; frighten (as with threats)

Shumaila Saeed
Oct 19, 2023
Cow also refers to the adult female of several large mammals.
A cow elephant is the matriarch of her herd.

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Dec 27, 2023
Any of several Old World animals resembling oxen including, e.g., water buffalo; Cape buffalo

Shumaila Saeed
Oct 19, 2023
Buffalo can also be a verb, meaning to baffle or confuse.
The complex instructions buffaloed him.

Shumaila Saeed
Dec 27, 2023
Repeatedly Asked Queries
What is a buffalo?
A buffalo is a large bovine animal, either wild like the African buffalo or domesticated like the water buffalo in Asia.

Shumaila Saeed
Dec 27, 2023
Are buffaloes domesticated?
Some species of buffaloes, like the water buffalo, are domesticated, mainly in Asia.

Shumaila Saeed
Dec 27, 2023
Are cows or buffaloes bigger?
Buffaloes are generally larger and heavier than cows.

Shumaila Saeed
Dec 27, 2023
What is a cow?
A cow is a domesticated female bovine animal used for milk and meat.

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Dec 27, 2023
Can cows be found in the wild?
Cows are primarily domesticated animals and are rarely found in the wild.

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Dec 27, 2023
What is the main use of cows?
Cows are mainly used for producing milk and meat.

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Dec 27, 2023
Are cow and buffalo meats different in taste?
Yes, there is a taste difference, with buffalo meat being leaner and often considered to have a stronger flavor.

Shumaila Saeed
Dec 27, 2023
What is the difference in milk production between cows and buffaloes?
Buffalo milk has a higher fat content compared to cow milk.

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Dec 27, 2023
What is the temperament of cows compared to buffaloes?
Cows are generally more docile, while buffaloes can be more independent and strong-willed.

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Dec 27, 2023
What are the horn differences between cows and buffaloes?
Buffalo horns are longer and more pronounced, while cow horns are shorter and curved.

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Dec 27, 2023
Can buffaloes adapt to different environments like cows?
Buffaloes are adaptable but prefer wetter, warmer climates compared to cows.

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Dec 27, 2023
Are there cultural differences in the use of cows and buffaloes?
Yes, there are cultural differences, particularly in religious and dietary practices.

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Dec 27, 2023
Can both cows and buffaloes be used for agricultural work?
Yes, both can be used for agricultural work, but buffaloes are more suited for heavy labor.

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Dec 27, 2023
Is buffalo milk used differently than cow milk?
Buffalo milk is often used in specific dairy products like mozzarella cheese due to its high fat and protein content.

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Dec 27, 2023
How long do cows and buffaloes live?
The lifespan of cows and buffaloes varies, but both can live up to 20 years or more under good care.

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Dec 27, 2023
Can buffaloes swim?
Yes, particularly water buffaloes are known for their swimming abilities.

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Dec 27, 2023
Is buffalo farming as common as cow farming?
Buffalo farming is common in certain regions, especially in Asia, but not as widespread globally as cow farming.

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Dec 27, 2023
What are the environmental impacts of raising cows vs. buffaloes?
Both have significant environmental impacts, but cows are more associated with higher greenhouse gas emissions due to their larger numbers.

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Dec 27, 2023
Do cows and buffaloes require different types of care?
Yes, due to their different sizes, temperaments, and environmental preferences, they require different care and management.

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Dec 27, 2023
Are there differences in the leather quality between cows and buffaloes?
Yes, buffalo leather is generally thicker and more durable than cow leather.

Shumaila Saeed
Dec 27, 2023
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Shumaila SaeedShumaila Saeed, an expert content creator with 6 years of experience, specializes in distilling complex topics into easily digestible comparisons, shining a light on the nuances that both inform and educate readers with clarity and accuracy.