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Acquittal vs. Discharge: Know the Difference

Shumaila Saeed
By Shumaila Saeed || Published on January 26, 2024
Acquittal is a legal verdict declaring a defendant not guilty of a charge, while discharge is a court's decision to release a defendant before or during a trial without a verdict.
Acquittal vs. Discharge

Key Differences

Acquittal is a formal declaration by a court that the accused is not guilty of the crime charged, typically after a full trial. Discharge, however, occurs when the court releases the accused from the case, often before a trial is completed or sometimes without a trial, usually due to insufficient evidence or procedural issues.
Shumaila Saeed
Shumaila Saeed
Jan 26, 2024
In the case of an acquittal, the accused has faced trial and the evidence has been reviewed and judged insufficient to prove guilt beyond a reasonable doubt. In contrast, a discharge may happen at any stage in the legal process if the judge deems the case inappropriate for trial or finds legal deficiencies in the prosecution's case.
Shumaila Saeed
Shumaila Saeed
Jan 26, 2024
Once acquitted, a defendant cannot be retried for the same offense, a protection against double jeopardy. Discharge, on the other hand, does not always provide such finality; in some cases, the prosecution may refile charges if additional evidence is found.
Shumaila Saeed
Shumaila Saeed
Jan 26, 2024
Acquittal is a clear legal outcome based on the merits of the case, reflecting a decision on the actual charges. Discharge may be based on technical or procedural grounds and does not necessarily relate to the substantive issue of guilt or innocence.
Shumaila Saeed
Shumaila Saeed
Jan 26, 2024
The impact of acquittal on a defendant's record is that of a person who has been cleared of criminal charges, often restoring their reputation. Discharge, while removing immediate legal jeopardy, may still leave some ambiguity regarding the defendant's involvement in the alleged crime, depending on the reason for the discharge.
Shumaila Saeed
Shumaila Saeed
Jan 26, 2024

Comparison Chart

Stage in Legal Process

Typically occurs after a full trial.
Can occur before or during a trial.
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Shumaila Saeed
Jan 26, 2024

Based on

Judgment on the merits of the case.
Legal or procedural grounds, often not related to merits.
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Implication of Guilt

Declares defendant not guilty.
Does not necessarily imply guilt or innocence.
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Double Jeopardy Protection

Prevents retrial for the same offense.
May allow for retrial under certain conditions.
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Jan 26, 2024

Impact on Defendant's Record

Clears the defendant of charges, often restoring reputation.
May leave ambiguity regarding involvement in the crime.
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Shumaila Saeed
Jan 26, 2024

Acquittal and Discharge Definitions


Acquittal signifies the end of a criminal trial with a verdict of not guilty.
The judge pronounced an acquittal, dismissing all charges against her.
Shumaila Saeed
Shumaila Saeed
Jan 07, 2024


Discharge can occur when a court decides there's insufficient evidence to continue a trial.
His discharge came after the key witness retracted their statement.
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Shumaila Saeed
Jan 07, 2024


An acquittal occurs when a court decides that there is insufficient evidence to convict.
The acquittal was based on the lack of credible evidence against the accused.
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Shumaila Saeed
Jan 07, 2024


Discharge is the court's decision to let a defendant go without a verdict.
The unexpected discharge of the accused left the public in disbelief.
Shumaila Saeed
Shumaila Saeed
Jan 07, 2024


Acquittal is the judicial finding of innocence in a criminal trial.
His acquittal confirmed that the justice system worked in his favor.
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Shumaila Saeed
Jan 07, 2024


Discharge may be granted if the court finds legal deficiencies in the prosecution’s case.
The judge granted a discharge, citing lack of jurisdiction.
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Jan 07, 2024


Judgment, as by a jury or judge, that a defendant is not guilty of a crime as charged.
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Jan 06, 2024


Discharge is a legal action that ends a case without determining guilt or innocence.
The discharge did not clear his name, but it ended the legal proceedings.
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Jan 07, 2024


The state of being found or proved not guilty.
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Jan 06, 2024


To release, as from confinement, care, or duty
Discharge a patient.
Discharge a soldier.
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Jan 06, 2024


The act of fulfilling the duties (of a given role, obligation etc.).
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To let go; empty out
A train discharging commuters.
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(legal) A legal decision that someone is not guilty with which they have been charged, or the formal dismissal of a charge by some other legal process.
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To pour forth; emit
A vent discharging steam.
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Jan 06, 2024


Payment of a debt or other obligation; reparations, amends.
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To shoot
Discharge a pistol.
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Jan 06, 2024


(historical) The act of releasing someone from debt or other obligation; acquittance.
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To remove from office or employment.
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(rare) Avoidance of danger; deliverance.
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To perform the obligations or demands of (an office, duty, or task).
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The act of acquitting; discharge from debt or obligation; acquittance.
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To comply with the terms of (a debt or promise, for example).
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A setting free, or deliverance from the charge of an offense, by verdict of a jury or sentence of a court.
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(Law) To release from debt, as in bankruptcy.
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A judgment of not guilty
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To remove (color) from cloth, as by chemical bleaching.
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Jan 06, 2024


Acquittal is a legal verdict where a defendant is found not guilty of a charge.
The jury's acquittal of the defendant brought relief to his family.
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Jan 07, 2024


(Electricity) To cause the release of stored energy or electric charge from (a battery, for example).
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Jan 06, 2024


Acquittal releases a defendant from the charge of a crime.
The news reported the high-profile acquittal of the celebrity.
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Jan 07, 2024


To apportion (weight) evenly, as over a door.
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Jan 06, 2024


To relieve (a part) of excess weight by distribution of pressure.
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To clear the record of the loan of (a returned library book).
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Jan 06, 2024


To relieve (a ship, for example) of a burden or of contents; unload.
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Jan 06, 2024


To unload or empty (contents).
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Jan 06, 2024


To go off; fire
The musket discharged loudly.
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Jan 06, 2024


To pour forth, emit, or release contents.
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Jan 06, 2024


To become blurred, as a color or dye; run.
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To undergo the release of stored energy or electric charge.
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To get rid of a burden, load, or weight.
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Jan 06, 2024


The act of shooting or firing a projectile or weapon.
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Jan 06, 2024


A flowing out or pouring forth; emission; secretion
A discharge of pus.
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Jan 06, 2024


The amount or rate of emission or ejection.
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Jan 06, 2024


Something that is discharged, released, emitted, or excreted
A watery discharge.
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Jan 06, 2024


The act or an instance of removing an obligation, burden, or responsibility.
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Jan 06, 2024


Fulfillment of the terms of something, such as a debt or promise.
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Jan 06, 2024


Performance, as of an office or duty.
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Jan 06, 2024


Dismissal or release from employment, service, care, or confinement.
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Jan 06, 2024


An official document certifying such release, especially from military service.
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Jan 06, 2024


Release of stored energy in a capacitor by the flow of current between its terminals.
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Jan 06, 2024


Conversion of chemical energy to electric energy in a storage battery.
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A flow of electricity in a dielectric, especially in a rarefied gas.
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Elimination of net electric charge from a charged body.
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The act of removing a load or burden.
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Jan 06, 2024


To accomplish or complete, as an obligation.
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Jan 06, 2024


To free of a debt, claim, obligation, responsibility, accusation, etc.; to absolve; to acquit; to forgive; to clear.
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Jan 06, 2024


To send away (a creditor) satisfied by payment; to pay one's debt or obligation to.
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To set aside; to annul; to dismiss.
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Jan 06, 2024


To expel or let go.
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Jan 06, 2024


To let fly, as a missile; to shoot.
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(electricity) To release (an accumulated charge).
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To relieve of an office or employment; to send away from service; to dismiss.
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(medicine) To release (an inpatient) from hospital.
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(military) To release (a member of the armed forces) from service.
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To release legally from confinement; to set at liberty.
To discharge a prisoner
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To operate (any weapon that fires a projectile, such as a shotgun or sling).
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(logic) To release (an auxiliary assumption) from the list of assumptions used in arguments, and return to the main argument.
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Jan 06, 2024


To unload a ship or another means of transport.
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Jan 06, 2024


To put forth, or remove, as a charge or burden; to take out, as that with which anything is loaded or filled.
To discharge a cargo
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To give forth; to emit or send out.
A pipe discharges water.
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Jan 06, 2024


To let fly; to give expression to; to utter.
He discharged a horrible oath.
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Jan 06, 2024


To bleach out or to remove or efface, as by a chemical process.
To discharge the colour from a dyed fabric in order to form light figures on a dark background
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Jan 06, 2024


To prohibit; to forbid.
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Jan 06, 2024


Pus or exudate (other than blood) from a wound or orifice, usually due to infection or pathology.
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The act of accomplishing (an obligation) or repaying a debt etc.; performance.
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The act of expelling or letting go.
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The act of firing a projectile, especially from a firearm.
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The process of unloading something.
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The process of flowing out.
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(electricity) The act of releasing an accumulated charge.
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Jan 06, 2024


(medicine) The act of releasing an inpatient from hospital.
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Jan 06, 2024


(military) The act of releasing a member of the armed forces from service.
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Jan 06, 2024


(hydrology) The volume of water transported by a river in a certain amount of time, usually in units of m3/s (cubic meters per second).
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Jan 06, 2024


To relieve of a charge, load, or burden; to empty of a load or cargo; to unburden; to unload; as, to discharge a vessel.
Shumaila Saeed
Shumaila Saeed
Jan 06, 2024


To free of the missile with which anything is charged or loaded; to let go the charge of; as, to discharge a bow, catapult, etc.; especially, said of firearms, - to fire off; to shoot off; also, to relieve from a state of tension, as a Leyden jar.
The galleys also did oftentimes, out of their prows, discharge their great pieces against the city.
Feeling in other cases discharges itself in indirect muscular actions.
Shumaila Saeed
Shumaila Saeed
Jan 06, 2024


To of something weighing upon or impeding over one, as a debt, claim, obligation, responsibility, accusation, etc.; to absolve; to acquit; to clear.
Discharged of business, void of strife.
In one man's fault discharge another man of his duty.
Shumaila Saeed
Shumaila Saeed
Jan 06, 2024


To relieve of an office or employment; to send away from service; to dismiss.
Discharge the common sortWith pay and thanks.
Grindal . . . was discharged the government of his see.
Shumaila Saeed
Shumaila Saeed
Jan 06, 2024


To release legally from confinement; to set at liberty; as, to discharge a prisoner.
Shumaila Saeed
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Jan 06, 2024


To put forth, or remove, as a charge or burden; to take out, as that with which anything is loaded or filled; as, to discharge a cargo.
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Jan 06, 2024


To let fly, as a missile; to shoot.
They do discharge their shot of courtesy.
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Jan 06, 2024


To set aside; to annul; to dismiss.
We say such an order was "discharged on appeal."
The order for Daly's attendance was discharged.
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Jan 06, 2024


To throw off the obligation of, as a duty or debt; to relieve one's self of, by fulfilling conditions, performing duty, trust, and the like; hence, to perform or execute, as an office, or part.
Had I a hundred tongues, a wit so largeAs could their hundred offices discharge.
Shumaila Saeed
Shumaila Saeed
Jan 06, 2024


To send away (a creditor) satisfied by payment; to pay one's debt or obligation to.
If he hadThe present money to discharge the Jew.
Shumaila Saeed
Shumaila Saeed
Jan 06, 2024


To give forth; to emit or send out; as, a pipe discharges water; to let fly; to give expression to; to utter; as, to discharge a horrible oath.
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Jan 06, 2024


To prohibit; to forbid.
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Jan 06, 2024


To bleach out or to remove or efface, as by a chemical process; as, to discharge the color from a dyed fabric in order to form light figures on a dark ground.
Shumaila Saeed
Shumaila Saeed
Jan 06, 2024


To throw off or deliver a load, charge, or burden; to unload; to emit or give vent to fluid or other contents; as, the water pipe discharges freely.
The cloud, if it were oily or fatty, would not discharge.
Shumaila Saeed
Shumaila Saeed
Jan 06, 2024


The act of discharging; the act of relieving of a charge or load; removal of a load or burden; unloading; as, the discharge of a ship; discharge of a cargo.
Shumaila Saeed
Shumaila Saeed
Jan 06, 2024


Firing off; explosive removal of a charge; explosion; letting off; as, a discharge of arrows, of artillery.
Shumaila Saeed
Shumaila Saeed
Jan 06, 2024


Act of relieving of something which oppresses or weighs upon one, as an obligation, liability, debt, accusation, etc.; acquittance; as, the discharge of a debtor.
Shumaila Saeed
Shumaila Saeed
Jan 06, 2024


Act of removing, or getting rid of, an obligation, liability, etc.; fulfillment, as by the payment of a debt, or the performance of a trust or duty.
Indefatigable in the discharge of business.
Nothing can absolve us from the discharge of those duties.
Shumaila Saeed
Shumaila Saeed
Jan 06, 2024


Release or dismissal from an office, employment, etc.; dismission; as, the discharge of a workman by his employer.
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Jan 06, 2024


Legal release from confinement; liberation; as, the discharge of a prisoner.
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Shumaila Saeed
Jan 06, 2024


The state of being discharged or relieved of a debt, obligation, office, and the like; acquittal.
Too secure of our dischargeFrom penalty.
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Jan 06, 2024


That which discharges or releases from an obligation, liability, penalty, etc., as a price of ransom, a legal document.
Death, who sets all free,Hath paid his ransom now and full discharge.
Shumaila Saeed
Shumaila Saeed
Jan 06, 2024


A flowing or issuing out; emission; vent; evacuation; also, that which is discharged or emitted; as, a rapid discharge of water from the pipe.
The hemorrhage being stopped, the next occurrence is a thin serous discharge.
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Jan 06, 2024


The equalization of a difference of electric potential between two points. The character of the discharge is mostly determined by the nature of the medium through which it takes place, the amount of the difference of potential, and the form of the terminal conductors on which the difference exists. The discharge may be alternating, continuous, brush, connective, disruptive, glow, oscillatory, stratified, etc.
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Jan 06, 2024


The sudden giving off of energy
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The act of venting
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Jan 06, 2024


A substance that is emitted or released
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Any of several bodily processes by which substances go out of the body;
The discharge of pus
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Electrical conduction through a gas in an applied electric field
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The pouring forth of a fluid
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The termination of someone's employment (leaving them free to depart)
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A formal written statement of relinquishment
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The act of discharging a gun
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Complete or carry out;
Discharge one's duties
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Pour forth or release;
Discharge liquids
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Eliminate (substances) from the body
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Free from obligations or duties
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Remove the charge from
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Go off or discharge;
The gun fired
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Pronounce not guilty of criminal charges;
The suspect was cleared of the murder charges
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Leave or unload, especially of passengers or cargo;
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Cause to go off;
Fire a gun
Fire a bullet
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Release from military service
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Become empty or void of its content;
The room emptied
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Discharge in legal terms means releasing a defendant from a case before trial completion.
The judge ordered a discharge due to procedural errors in the case.
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Shumaila Saeed
Jan 07, 2024

Repeatedly Asked Queries

What leads to a discharge in a court case?

Discharge can result from insufficient evidence, procedural errors, or legal deficiencies.
Shumaila Saeed
Shumaila Saeed
Jan 26, 2024

Can a discharged individual be retried for the same crime?

Yes, depending on the reason for discharge, a retrial may be possible.
Shumaila Saeed
Shumaila Saeed
Jan 26, 2024

Can an acquitted person be tried again for the same offense?

No, due to double jeopardy laws, a person acquitted cannot be tried again for the same offense.
Shumaila Saeed
Shumaila Saeed
Jan 26, 2024

What does acquittal signify in a legal context?

Acquittal signifies that the court has found the defendant not guilty of the charges.
Shumaila Saeed
Shumaila Saeed
Jan 26, 2024

Is an acquittal based on the evaluation of evidence?

Yes, acquittal is based on the court's assessment that evidence is insufficient for conviction.
Shumaila Saeed
Shumaila Saeed
Jan 26, 2024

Does acquittal mean the accused is innocent?

Legally, acquittal means the prosecution couldn't prove guilt; it doesn't always equate to factual innocence.
Shumaila Saeed
Shumaila Saeed
Jan 26, 2024

Does a discharge provide the same legal finality as an acquittal?

No, discharge may not provide the same finality as an acquittal, especially if there's a possibility of refiling charges.
Shumaila Saeed
Shumaila Saeed
Jan 26, 2024

Are there different types of discharges in legal proceedings?

Yes, discharges can vary depending on the legal system and specific case circumstances.
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Shumaila Saeed
Jan 26, 2024

Can a discharge be appealed by the prosecution?

Yes, in some legal systems, the prosecution can appeal a discharge.
Shumaila Saeed
Shumaila Saeed
Jan 26, 2024

How does public perception differ between acquittal and discharge?

Acquittal is often seen as a clearer indication of innocence than discharge, which can be viewed as more ambiguous.
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Shumaila Saeed
Jan 26, 2024

What role does the judge play in a discharge?

The judge decides on a discharge based on legal and procedural considerations.
Shumaila Saeed
Shumaila Saeed
Jan 26, 2024

Are jury trials more likely to lead to an acquittal or a discharge?

Jury trials are more about reaching a verdict (acquittal or conviction), while discharges are often decided by judges.
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Shumaila Saeed
Jan 26, 2024

Can discharge occur at any stage of the legal process?

Yes, discharge can happen at various stages, often before a full trial is conducted.
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Shumaila Saeed
Jan 26, 2024

What is the impact of an acquittal on a defendant’s record?

An acquittal typically clears the defendant of the charges, positively impacting their record.
Shumaila Saeed
Shumaila Saeed
Jan 26, 2024

Can new evidence after an acquittal lead to a retrial?

Generally, no; acquittal is final, and double jeopardy laws prevent retrial on the same charges.
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Shumaila Saeed
Jan 26, 2024

What does an acquittal indicate about the prosecution's case?

It indicates that the prosecution failed to prove the defendant's guilt beyond a reasonable doubt.
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Shumaila Saeed
Jan 26, 2024

Is a discharge always a reflection of the accused’s innocence?

Not necessarily; it may reflect issues with the prosecution’s case rather than the accused's innocence.
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Shumaila Saeed
Jan 26, 2024

How do defense strategies differ for seeking acquittal vs. discharge?

Defense strategies for acquittal focus on refuting evidence, while for discharge, they often highlight legal or procedural flaws.
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Shumaila Saeed
Jan 26, 2024

Does an acquittal affect future legal proceedings against the individual?

An acquittal can impact future proceedings, as it establishes a precedent of not guilty for the specific charges.
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Shumaila Saeed
Jan 26, 2024

Is media coverage of acquittals and discharges typically different?

Yes, acquittals, especially in high-profile cases, tend to receive more extensive media coverage than discharges.
Shumaila Saeed
Shumaila Saeed
Jan 26, 2024

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Shumaila Saeed
Written by
Shumaila Saeed
Shumaila Saeed, an expert content creator with 6 years of experience, specializes in distilling complex topics into easily digestible comparisons, shining a light on the nuances that both inform and educate readers with clarity and accuracy.

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Shumaila SaeedShumaila Saeed
February 16, 2024
FPTP (First Past the Post) is a simple plurality voting system where the candidate with most votes wins; PR (Proportional Representation) allocates seats based on the proportion of votes each party receives.
Login vs. LogonLogin vs. Logon
Shumaila SaeedShumaila Saeed
December 25, 2023
"Login" and "Logon" are often used interchangeably to describe the process of gaining access to a computer system, but "login" can also refer to the credentials used for access.
2 Pole Motors vs. 4 Pole Motors2 Pole Motors vs. 4 Pole Motors
Shumaila SaeedShumaila Saeed
December 25, 2023
2 Pole Motors have one pair of magnetic poles and run at higher speeds, while 4 Pole Motors have two pairs of poles and operate at lower speeds, offering higher torque.
Extent vs. ScopeExtent vs. Scope
Shumaila SaeedShumaila Saeed
December 25, 2023
"Extent" refers to the degree or range something covers, while "Scope" relates to the breadth or range of coverage, influence, or effect.
Poem vs. PoetryPoem vs. Poetry
Shumaila SaeedShumaila Saeed
December 25, 2023
A poem is a piece of writing that expresses ideas and emotions with a distinctive style and rhythm; poetry is the art form of writing such pieces.
Japanese Eyes vs. Chinese EyesJapanese Eyes vs. Chinese Eyes
Shumaila SaeedShumaila Saeed
December 25, 2023
Japanese Eyes and Chinese Eyes refer to linguistic structures in Japanese and Chinese respectively, each reflecting unique aspects of grammar and syntax.
Pulley vs. SheavePulley vs. Sheave
Hifza NasirHifza Nasir
April 4, 2024
A pulley is a wheel on an axle designed to support movement and change of direction of a taut cable, while a sheave is the wheel part of a pulley system that specifically interacts with the cable.
NM3 vs. M3NM3 vs. M3
Hifza NasirHifza Nasir
April 19, 2024
NM3 measures gas volume under Normal conditions (0°C and 1.01325 bar), while M3 measures volume under the conditions at which it is measured, without standard adjustment.
Slazenger Logo vs. Puma LogoSlazenger Logo vs. Puma Logo
Shumaila SaeedShumaila Saeed
February 15, 2024
The Slazenger logo features a panther, symbolizing agility and tradition, while the Puma logo depicts a leaping puma, representing speed and strength.
Catapult vs. TrebuchetCatapult vs. Trebuchet
Shumaila SaeedShumaila Saeed
January 4, 2024
A catapult is a ballistic device using tension or torsion to launch projectiles, while a trebuchet is a type of catapult using a counterweight for greater force and distance.
Physical Weathering vs. Chemical WeatheringPhysical Weathering vs. Chemical Weathering
Shumaila SaeedShumaila Saeed
December 25, 2023
Physical Weathering breaks down rocks mechanically without altering their chemical composition, while Chemical Weathering involves chemical changes that decompose or alter rock's mineral composition.
Gorilla Glass 3 vs. Gorilla Glass 5Gorilla Glass 3 vs. Gorilla Glass 5
Shumaila SaeedShumaila Saeed
January 1, 2024
Gorilla Glass 3 offers improved scratch resistance and durability compared to its predecessors, while Gorilla Glass 5 focuses on enhanced drop protection and toughness.
Vital Proteins Collagen vs. OrganikaVital Proteins Collagen vs. Organika
Shumaila SaeedShumaila Saeed
February 9, 2024
Vital Proteins Collagen is a brand offering collagen supplements for health and beauty, while Organika is a broader health and wellness brand with diverse products including collagen.
Nuclear Family vs. Joint FamilyNuclear Family vs. Joint Family
Shumaila SaeedShumaila Saeed
January 9, 2024
Nuclear Family is a family unit consisting of parents and their children. Joint Family is a larger family structure comprising parents, children, and other relatives living together.
5'11" vs. 6'0"5’11” vs. 6’0″
Shumaila SaeedShumaila Saeed
February 4, 2024
The difference between 5'11" and 6'0" is one inch, with 5'11" being 71 inches and 6'0" being 72 inches tall.
Pycharm Community vs. Pycharm ProPycharm Community vs. Pycharm Pro
Shumaila SaeedShumaila Saeed
February 4, 2024
PyCharm Community is a free, open-source IDE for Python development, while PyCharm Pro is a paid version with additional advanced features like web development support and database tools.
Fluid vs. LiquidFluid vs. Liquid
Shumaila SaeedShumaila Saeed
February 13, 2024
Fluids encompass all substances that flow (including gases and liquids), while liquids specifically refer to fluids with a definite volume but no fixed shape, adapting to their container.
Data Roaming vs. Cellular DataData Roaming vs. Cellular Data
Shumaila SaeedShumaila Saeed
December 25, 2023
Data Roaming allows usage of mobile network services outside of the home network area, while Cellular Data is using mobile services within the home network.
Verbal Communication vs. Nonverbal CommunicationVerbal Communication vs. Nonverbal Communication
Shumaila SaeedShumaila Saeed
December 25, 2023
Verbal communication uses words to convey messages, while nonverbal communication involves gestures, facial expressions, and body language.
DDR3 vs. DDR3LDDR3 vs. DDR3L
Shumaila SaeedShumaila Saeed
January 29, 2024
DDR3 is a type of RAM with standard voltage (1.5V), while DDR3L is a low voltage variant (1.35V) compatible with both 1.5V and 1.35V slots.
4D Battery vs. 8D Battery4D Battery vs. 8D Battery
Shumaila SaeedShumaila Saeed
February 7, 2024
4D batteries are smaller, heavy-duty batteries used in commercial applications, whereas 8D batteries are larger, providing more power and capacity for large vehicles and machinery.
Seed vs. GrainSeed vs. Grain
Shumaila SaeedShumaila Saeed
January 24, 2024
A seed is a plant's reproductive unit capable of developing into another plant, while a grain is a type of seed harvested from cereal plants, often used for food.
Traditional Trade vs. Modern TradeTraditional Trade vs. Modern Trade
Shumaila SaeedShumaila Saeed
December 25, 2023
Traditional trade involves local, small-scale, often personalized commerce; modern trade is characterized by large-scale, technology-driven, and impersonal retail environments.
Lubuntu vs. XubuntuLubuntu vs. Xubuntu
Shumaila SaeedShumaila Saeed
December 25, 2023
Lubuntu is a lightweight Ubuntu variant using LXQt, while Xubuntu is a Ubuntu variant using the XFCE desktop, both offering different user experiences and performance.

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