Primary vs. Principal: Know the Difference

By Shumaila Saeed || Updated on December 25, 2023
"Primary" refers to the first in order or importance, while "Principal" means the most important or chief in a group or a sum of money.

Key Differences
Primary denotes something that is first in order, rank, or importance. It often refers to the main or most important among others. Principal, on the other hand, is used to denote the foremost or leading individual in a group, or the most significant element in a set.

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Dec 07, 2023
In many contexts, Primary is used to describe the initial or chief cause, reason, or element in a series. Principal is used to describe the main person responsible for an organization or the main part of an investment.

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Dec 07, 2023
The term Primary is frequently used in education to refer to the first years of formal schooling. In contrast, Principal refers to the head of a school or an organization.

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In financial terms, Primary can refer to the most basic form of a financial instrument. Principal, in finance, refers to the original sum of money invested or loaned.

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When discussing order of events or elements, Primary is used to denote the first or most foundational, while Principal is used to describe the main or most consequential aspect of a matter.

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Dec 07, 2023
Comparison Chart
Usage in Education
Refers to early years of schooling
Refers to the head of a school

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Financial Context
Basic form of a financial instrument
Original sum of money invested or loaned

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Initial or foundational element
Leading or most significant element

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Primary and Principal Definitions
Earliest in time or sequence.
The primary stages of the project are crucial.

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Chief, most important.
The principal aim of the project is to aid development.

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Fundamental, basic.
Reading and writing are primary skills in education.

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Predominant or main.
The principal ingredient in the dish is tomatoes.

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Of primary source, direct.
The primary evidence was key to solving the case.

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Main or principal.
The primary reason for the delay was bad weather.

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Of, relating to, or being financial principal, or a principal in a financial transaction.

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Oct 19, 2023
One who holds a position of presiding rank, especially the head of an elementary school, middle school, or high school.

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Occurring first in time or sequence; earliest
The primary stages of the project.

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A main participant in a situation, especially a financial transaction.

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A person having a leading or starring role in a performance, such as the first player in a section of an orchestra.

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Not derived from anything else; basic or original
The interviews and other primary materials in the study are more interesting than the analysis.

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An amount of capital originally borrowed or invested, as opposed to the interest paid or accruing on it.

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The most significant part of an estate, as opposed to minor or incidental components.

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(Geology) Characteristic of or existing in a rock at the time of its formation.

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The person having prime responsibility for an obligation as distinguished from one who acts as surety or as an endorser.

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Having a word root or other linguistic element as a basis that cannot be further analyzed or broken down. Used of the derivation of a word or word element.

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Referring to present or future time. Used as a collective designation for various present and future verb tenses in Latin, Greek, and Sanskrit.

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(Architecture) Either of a pair of inclined timbers forming the sides of a triangular truss for a pitched roof.

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Primary; most important; first level in importance.
Smith is the principal architect of this design.
The principal cause of the failure was poor planning.

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(Electronics) Of, relating to, or constituting an inducting current, circuit, or coil.

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Of, relating to, or designating the main flight feathers projecting along the outer edge of a bird's wing.

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(mathematics) Chosen or assumed among a branch of possible values of a multi-valued function so that the function is single-valued.
Two is the principal square root of 4. Both −2 and +2 are square roots of 4.

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Of or relating to agriculture, forestry, the industries that extract natural materials from the earth, or the products so obtained
A primary commodity.

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The money originally invested or loaned, on which basis interest and returns are calculated.
A portion of your mortgage payment goes to reduce the principal, and the rest covers interest.

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Relating to, or having a carbon atom that is attached to only one other carbon atom in a molecule.

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Relating to the replacement of only one of several atoms or groups in a compound, such as an amine in which one valence of the functional group is taken by a carbon atom.

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The chief executive and chief academic officer of a university or college.

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(legal) A legal person that authorizes another (the agent) to act on their behalf; or on whose behalf an agent or gestor in a negotiorum gestio acts.
When an attorney represents a client, the client is the principal who permits the attorney, the client′s agent, to act on the client′s behalf.
My principal sells metal shims.

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Oct 19, 2023
A meeting of the registered voters of a political party for the purpose of nominating candidates and for choosing delegates to their party convention.

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The construction that gives shape and strength to a roof, generally a truss of timber or iron; or, loosely, the most important member of a piece of framing.

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A preliminary election in which the registered voters of a political party nominate candidates for office.

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One of the turrets or pinnacles of waxwork and tapers with which the posts and centre of a funeral hearse were formerly crowned

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A dancer at the highest rank within a professional dance company, particularly a ballet company.

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A celestial body, especially a star, relative to other bodies in orbit around it.

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Highest in rank, authority, character, importance, or degree; most considerable or important; chief; main; as, the principal officers of a Government; the principal men of a state; the principal productions of a country; the principal arguments in a case.
Wisdom is the principal thing.

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Oct 19, 2023
First or earliest in a group or series.
Children attend primary school, and teenagers attend secondary school.

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Main; principal; chief; placed ahead of others.
Preferred stock has primary claim on dividends, ahead of common stock.

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A leader, chief, or head; one who takes the lead; one who acts independently, or who has controlling authority or influence; as, the principal of a faction, a school, a firm, etc.; - distinguished from a subordinate, abettor, auxiliary, or assistant.

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Oct 19, 2023
The chief actor in a crime, or an abettor who is present at it, - as distinguished from an accessory.

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(chemistry) Illustrating, possessing, or characterized by, some quality or property in the first degree; having undergone the first stage of substitution or replacement.

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A thing of chief or prime importance; something fundamental or especially conspicuous.

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(medicine) Relating to the place where a disorder or disease started to occur.

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(medicine) Relating to day-to-day care provided by health professionals such as nurses, general practitioners, dentists etc.

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The educator who has executive authority for a school;
She sent unruly pupils to see the principal

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A primary election; a preliminary election to select a political candidate of a political party.

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The major party to a financial transaction at a stock exchange; buys and sells for his own account

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The most massive component of a gravitationally bound system, such as a planet in relation to its satellites.

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Oct 19, 2023
Most important element;
The chief aim of living
The main doors were of solid glass
The principal rivers of America
The principal example
Policemen were primary targets

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The head of a school.
The principal announced the new school policy.

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Dec 07, 2023
(ornithology) Any flight feather attached to the manus (hand) of a bird.

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Oct 19, 2023
The original sum of money invested or loaned.
The principal of the loan needs to be repaid first.

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First in order of importance.
Her principal concern was the well-being of her team.

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(military) The first stage of a thermonuclear weapon, which sets off a fission explosion to help trigger a fusion reaction in the weapon's secondary stage.

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Oct 19, 2023
(aviation) A radar return from an aircraft (or other object) produced solely by the reflection of the radar beam from the aircraft's skin, without additional information from the aircraft's transponder.

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Oct 19, 2023
(medicine) Primary site of disease; original location or source of the disease.
Unknown primary
Most common primaries

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Oct 19, 2023
(electronics) A directly driven inductive coil, as in a transformer or induction motor that is magnetically coupled to a secondary

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Oct 19, 2023
To challenge (an incumbent sitting politician) for their political party's nomination to run for re-election, through running a challenger campaign in a primary election, especially one that is more ideologically extreme.

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First in order of time or development or in intention; primitive; fundamental; original.
The church of Christ, in its primary institution.
These I call original, or primary, qualities of body.

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First in order, as being preparatory to something higher; as, primary assemblies; primary schools.

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First in dignity or importance; chief; principal; as, primary planets; a matter of primary importance.

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Illustrating, possessing, or characterized by, some quality or property in the first degree; having undergone the first stage of substitution or replacement.

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That which stands first in order, rank, or importance; a chief matter.

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One of the large feathers on the distal joint of a bird's wing. See Plumage, and Illust. of Bird.

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A primary planet; the brighter component of a double star. See under Planet.

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One of the main flight feathers projecting along the outer edge of a bird's wing

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Coil forming the part of an electrical circuit such that changing current in it induces a current in a neighboring circuit;
Current through the primary coil induces current in the secondary coil

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Of first rank or importance or value; direct and immediate rather than secondhand;
Primary goals
A primary effect
Primary sources
A primary interest

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Not derived from or reducible to something else; basic;
A primary instinct

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Oct 19, 2023
Most important element;
The chief aim of living
The main doors were of solid glass
The principal rivers of America
The principal example
Policemen were primary targets

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Of or being the essential or basic part;
An elementary need for love and nurturing

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Most important or first in order.
The primary goal is to improve customer satisfaction.

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Dec 07, 2023
Repeatedly Asked Queries
Can "principal" mean the most important thing?
Yes, it denotes the most important or chief element.

Shumaila Saeed
Dec 07, 2023
Is "primary" always about being first?
It often means first in order or importance.

Shumaila Saeed
Dec 07, 2023
Can "primary" mean basic?
Yes, it can refer to something fundamental or basic.

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Dec 07, 2023
Can "principal" refer to money?
Yes, it can mean the original amount of money invested or loaned.

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Dec 07, 2023
What does "primary" mean in education?
Refers to the early years of schooling.

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Dec 07, 2023
Is "primary" used in finance?
Yes, it can refer to the basic form of a financial instrument.

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Dec 07, 2023
Does "principal" have a role in legal terms?
Yes, it can refer to the main party in a legal contract.

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Does "principal" have an architectural meaning?
Yes, it can refer to the main part of a structure.

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What's a principal component in statistics?
It's a technique used to emphasize variation in a dataset.

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Can "principal" relate to theater?
Yes, it can refer to the leading actor or actress in a play.

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Dec 07, 2023
Is "primary" relevant in art?
Yes, as in primary colors, the basic colors from which others are made.

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Dec 07, 2023
Is "principal" used in music?
Yes, it can refer to the chief musician in a section of an orchestra.

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Dec 07, 2023
Does "primary" have a political meaning?
Yes, as in primary elections, initial elections to nominate candidates.

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Dec 07, 2023
Is "principal" used in dance?
Yes, referring to the main or lead dancer in a performance.

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Dec 07, 2023
Is "primary" used in healthcare?
Yes, as in primary care, the first level of basic healthcare.

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Dec 07, 2023
Does "primary" have a geological use?
Yes, as in primary rock, rock formed first in geological time.

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Dec 07, 2023
Can "principal" be used in engineering?
Yes, it can refer to the main or leading engineer in a project.

Shumaila Saeed
Dec 07, 2023
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Written by
Shumaila SaeedShumaila Saeed, an expert content creator with 6 years of experience, specializes in distilling complex topics into easily digestible comparisons, shining a light on the nuances that both inform and educate readers with clarity and accuracy.