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Envoke vs. Invoke: Decoding the Right Spelling

Shumaila Saeed
By Shumaila Saeed || Published on December 25, 2023
"Envoke is incorrect spelling while Invoke is correct, meaning to call upon with authority, such as invoking a law or a spirit in a ceremony."
Envoke vs. Invoke

Which is correct: Envoke or Invoke

How to spell Invoke?

Envoke is Incorrect

Invoke is Correct

How to remember correct spelling of Invoke?

Visualize 'Invoke' as 'In+voke' — think of 'voking' or calling something 'inward' or into action.
Shumaila Saeed
Shumaila Saeed
Dec 25, 2023
Connect 'Invoke' with 'Invitation,' as both imply calling upon or requesting.
Shumaila Saeed
Shumaila Saeed
Dec 25, 2023
Associate 'Invoke' with 'Involvement,' emphasizing the 'In' prefix and the action of calling upon.
Shumaila Saeed
Shumaila Saeed
Dec 25, 2023
Remember 'Invoke' begins with 'In,' like 'Initiate,' since both involve starting or triggering an action.
Shumaila Saeed
Shumaila Saeed
Dec 25, 2023
Use the mnemonic: "In Valuable Operations, Knowledge is Essential," emphasizing the 'Invoke' spelling.
Shumaila Saeed
Shumaila Saeed
Dec 25, 2023

Invoke Definitions

To put into effect or operation, as in a law or rule.
The government invoked emergency powers to handle the crisis.
Shumaila Saeed
Shumaila Saeed
Dec 14, 2023
To cite or refer to as justification or authority.
The activist invoked the Constitution to argue for free speech rights.
Shumaila Saeed
Shumaila Saeed
Dec 14, 2023
To call on a higher power for assistance or as an authority.
The priest invoked the deity's blessing during the ritual.
Shumaila Saeed
Shumaila Saeed
Dec 14, 2023
To appeal to someone or something as an authority for an action.
Lawyers often invoke precedent cases in court arguments.
Shumaila Saeed
Shumaila Saeed
Dec 14, 2023
To call on (a higher power) for assistance, support, or inspiration
"Stretching out her hands she had the air of a Greek woman who invoked a deity" (Ford Madox Ford).
Shumaila Saeed
Shumaila Saeed
Oct 19, 2023
To appeal to or cite in support or justification.
Shumaila Saeed
Shumaila Saeed
Oct 19, 2023
To call for earnestly; solicit
Invoked the help of a passing motorist.
Shumaila Saeed
Shumaila Saeed
Oct 19, 2023
To summon with incantations; conjure.
Shumaila Saeed
Shumaila Saeed
Oct 19, 2023
To resort to; use or apply
"Shamelessly, he invokes coincidence to achieve ironic effect" (Newsweek).
Shumaila Saeed
Shumaila Saeed
Oct 19, 2023
(Computers) To activate or start (a program, for example).
Shumaila Saeed
Shumaila Saeed
Oct 19, 2023
(transitive) To call upon (a person, a god) for help, assistance or guidance.
Shumaila Saeed
Shumaila Saeed
Oct 19, 2023
(transitive) To solicit, petition for, appeal to a favorable attitude.
The envoy invoked the King of Kings's magnanimity to reduce his province's tribute after another drought.
Shumaila Saeed
Shumaila Saeed
Oct 19, 2023
(transitive) To call to mind (something) for some purpose.
Shumaila Saeed
Shumaila Saeed
Oct 19, 2023
(transitive) To appeal for validation to a (notably cited) authority.
In certain Christian circles, invoking the Bible constitutes irrefutable proof.
Shumaila Saeed
Shumaila Saeed
Oct 19, 2023
(transitive) To conjure up with incantations.
This satanist ritual invokes Beelzebub.
Shumaila Saeed
Shumaila Saeed
Oct 19, 2023
(transitive) To bring about as an inevitable consequence.
Blasphemy is taboo as it may invoke divine wrath.
Shumaila Saeed
Shumaila Saeed
Oct 19, 2023
To cause (a program or subroutine) to execute.
Interactive programs let the users enter choices and invoke the corresponding routines.
Shumaila Saeed
Shumaila Saeed
Oct 19, 2023
To call on for aid or protection; to invite earnestly or solemnly; to summon; to address in prayer; to solicit or demand by invocation; to implore; as, to invoke the Supreme Being, or to invoke His and blessing.
Go, my dread lord, to your great grandsire's tomb, . . . Invoke his warlike spirit.
Shumaila Saeed
Shumaila Saeed
Oct 19, 2023
Evoke or call forth, with or as if by magic;
Raise the specter of unemployment
He conjured wild birds in the air
Stir a disturbance
Call down the spirits from the mountain
Shumaila Saeed
Shumaila Saeed
Oct 19, 2023
Cite as an authority; resort to;
He invoked the law that would save him
I appealed to the law of 1900
She invoked an ancient law
Shumaila Saeed
Shumaila Saeed
Oct 19, 2023
Request earnestly (something from somebody); ask for aid or protection;
Appeal to somebody for help
Invoke God in times of trouble
Shumaila Saeed
Shumaila Saeed
Oct 19, 2023
To summon up or conjure, especially in rituals or ceremonies.
The medium invoked spirits during the séance.
Shumaila Saeed
Shumaila Saeed
Dec 14, 2023

Repeatedly Asked Queries

What is the correct spelling for the act of calling upon authority or power?

The correct spelling is 'Invoke,' used when referring to calling upon authority or power.
Shumaila Saeed
Shumaila Saeed
Dec 25, 2023

Can 'Invoke' be used in legal contexts?

Yes, 'Invoke' is often used in legal contexts to refer to the act of applying or referring to a certain law or clause.
Shumaila Saeed
Shumaila Saeed
Dec 25, 2023

How do you pronounce 'Invoke'?

'Invoke' is pronounced as 'in-VOHK,' with emphasis on the second syllable.
Shumaila Saeed
Shumaila Saeed
Dec 25, 2023

What is the origin of the word 'Invoke'?

The word 'Invoke' originates from Latin 'invocare,' meaning 'to call upon, implore.'
Shumaila Saeed
Shumaila Saeed
Dec 25, 2023

Is 'Invoke' related to any other words in English?

Yes, 'Invoke' is related to 'Invocation,' which is the act of invoking.
Shumaila Saeed
Shumaila Saeed
Dec 25, 2023

Is 'Envoke' ever the correct spelling in any context?

No, 'Envoke' is not a recognized correct spelling in any standard context; the correct form is 'Invoke.'
Shumaila Saeed
Shumaila Saeed
Dec 25, 2023

Can 'Invoke' be used in religious or spiritual contexts?

Yes, 'Invoke' is commonly used in religious or spiritual contexts to mean calling upon a deity or spiritual entity.
Shumaila Saeed
Shumaila Saeed
Dec 25, 2023

Why is 'Envoke' a common misspelling?

'Envoke' is a common misspelling likely due to confusion with similar-sounding prefixes like 'en-' found in words like 'envision.'
Shumaila Saeed
Shumaila Saeed
Dec 25, 2023

How can one remember the correct spelling of 'Invoke'?

Associating 'Invoke' with actions like initiating or inviting, which also start with 'In,' can help remember the correct spelling.
Shumaila Saeed
Shumaila Saeed
Dec 25, 2023

Does the meaning of 'Invoke' change in different disciplines?

Yes, 'Invoke' can have varied nuances in different disciplines, like legal, religious, or literary contexts.
Shumaila Saeed
Shumaila Saeed
Dec 25, 2023

What is the noun form of 'Invoke'?

The noun form of 'Invoke' is 'Invocation,' referring to the act or instance of invoking.
Shumaila Saeed
Shumaila Saeed
Dec 25, 2023

What is an 'Invocation' in a formal event?

An 'Invocation' in a formal event is a call or request for guidance or blessing, often from a divine source.
Shumaila Saeed
Shumaila Saeed
Dec 25, 2023

Are there any phrases or idioms that include 'Invoke'?

Yes, phrases like "invoke someone's wrath" or "invoke a rule" are common idioms.
Shumaila Saeed
Shumaila Saeed
Dec 25, 2023

What are some synonyms for 'Invoke'?

Synonyms for 'Invoke' include 'summon,' 'call upon,' 'appeal to,' and 'cite.'
Shumaila Saeed
Shumaila Saeed
Dec 25, 2023

Can 'Invoke' be used in everyday language?

Yes, 'Invoke' can be used in everyday language, often to refer to calling upon authority or expertise.
Shumaila Saeed
Shumaila Saeed
Dec 25, 2023

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Shumaila Saeed
Written by
Shumaila Saeed
Shumaila Saeed, an expert content creator with 6 years of experience, specializes in distilling complex topics into easily digestible comparisons, shining a light on the nuances that both inform and educate readers with clarity and accuracy.

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