Agreeable vs. Amenable: Know the Difference

By Shumaila Saeed || Updated on December 25, 2023
Agreeable refers to being pleasant or likable, while amenable means being open and responsive to suggestions or cooperative.

Key Differences
Agreeable is often used to describe someone who is pleasant, likable, or enjoyable to be around. Amenable, on the other hand, indicates a person's willingness or openness to suggestions, advice, or change.

Shumaila Saeed
Dec 02, 2023
When describing a person as agreeable, it implies they have a congenial personality. Describing someone as amenable suggests they are compliant or easily persuaded.

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Dec 02, 2023
Agreeable carries a positive connotation of being friendly and easy to get along with. Amenable, while also positive, leans more towards the idea of being accommodating or flexible.

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An agreeable individual is typically seen as harmonious in social interactions. An amenable person is seen as cooperative, especially in situations requiring adaptability or compromise.

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In a professional context, an agreeable colleague is often appreciated for creating a pleasant working environment. An amenable colleague is valued for their readiness to consider new ideas or approaches.

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Dec 02, 2023
Comparison Chart
Being pleasant, likable, enjoyable
Being open, responsive, and cooperative

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Social Implication
Liked for being friendly and harmonious
Appreciated for adaptability and cooperativeness

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Positive, associated with likability
Positive, linked to flexibility and compliance

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Use in Context
Describes a person's congenial personality
Indicates a person's readiness to agree or comply

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Dec 02, 2023
Agreeable and Amenable Definitions
Responsive to or willing to yield.
He was amenable to negotiation and compromise.

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Nov 25, 2023
Willing or inclined to agree.
They found her to be agreeable and easy to work with.

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Capable of being acted upon in a certain way.
The problem was amenable to a simple solution.

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Pleasing to the senses or mind.
The agreeable weather made for a perfect picnic.

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Easily persuaded or controlled.
The amenable audience warmly received the new idea.

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Having an enjoyable or pleasant quality.
He had an agreeable manner that made him popular.

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Willing to follow advice or authority.
The team was amenable to their coach's strategies.

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Compatible or in harmony with.
The terms were agreeable to both parties.

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Willing to accept a suggestion or submit to authority
"a class that is all the more amenable to control for living perpetually under the threat of deportation" (Amitav Ghosh).

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Ready to consent; agreeable
Are you amenable to a change in schedule?.

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Susceptible or open, as to testing or criticism
"The phenomenon of mind ... is much more complex, though also more amenable to scientific investigation, than anyone suspected" (Michael D. Lemonick).

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Pleasant to the senses or the mind.
A man with agreeable manners
Not completely agreeable remarks
She's quite an agreeable person
This fruit has an agreeable taste

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Liable to be brought to account, to a charge or claim; responsible; accountable; answerable.

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(law) Liable to the legal authority of (something).
Decisions of the Boards of Appeal are amenable to actions before the Court of Justice of the European Communities

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(used adverbially) Pursuant, conformant, accordant.
Agreeable to the order of the day, the House took up the report.

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Being a locally compact topological group carrying a kind of averaging operation on bounded functions that is invariant under translation by group elements.

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Pleasing, either to the mind or senses; pleasant; grateful; as, agreeable manners or remarks; an agreeable person; fruit agreeable to the taste.
A train of agreeable reveries.

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Liable to be brought to account or punishment; answerable; responsible; accountable; as, amenable to law.
Nor is man too diminutive . . . to be amenable to the divine government.

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Oct 19, 2023
Willing; ready to agree or consent.
These Frenchmen give unto the said captain of Calais a great sum of money, so that he will be but content and agreeable that they may enter into the said town.

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Agreeing or suitable; conformable; correspondent; concordant; adapted; - followed by to, rarely by with.
That which is agreeable to the nature of one thing, is many times contrary to the nature of another.

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Willing to yield or submit; responsive; tractable.
Sterling . . . always was amenable enough to counsel.

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In pursuance, conformity, or accordance; - in this sense used adverbially for agreeably; as, agreeable to the order of the day, the House took up the report.

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Disposed or willing to comply;
Someone amenable to persuasion
The spirit indeed is willing but the flesh is weak

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Suitable to your needs or similar to your nature;
A congenial atmosphere to work in
Two congenial spirits mutual confidence and reciprocal virtues

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Readily reacting to suggestions and influences;
A responsive student

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To your own liking or feelings or nature;
Is the plan agreeable to you?
He's an agreeable fellow
My idea of an agreeable a person who agrees with me
An agreeable manner

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Liable to answer to a higher authority;
The president is amenable to the constitutional court

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In keeping;
Salaries agreeable with current trends
Plans conformable with your wishes
Expressed views concordant with his background

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Open and responsive to suggestion.
She was amenable to the changes in the schedule.

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Nov 25, 2023
Repeatedly Asked Queries
Does agreeable imply compliance?
Not necessarily; agreeable focuses more on pleasantness than compliance.

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Dec 02, 2023
Is agreeable a personality trait?
Yes, being agreeable is often considered a personality trait.

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What does amenable mean?
Amenable means being open to suggestions, cooperative, and easily persuaded.

Shumaila Saeed
Dec 02, 2023
What does agreeable mean?
Agreeable refers to being pleasant, likable, and enjoyable.

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Dec 02, 2023
Is being amenable a positive quality in the workplace?
Generally, yes. Being amenable is valued for adaptability and cooperation.

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Dec 02, 2023
Can a person be agreeable but not amenable?
Yes, someone can be pleasant (agreeable) without being easily persuaded or cooperative (amenable).

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Are amenable people always easy to persuade?
While amenable people are open to suggestions, they may not always be easy to persuade.

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Can amenable be used in a legal context?
Yes, amenable can be used to describe someone responsive to legal authority or rules.

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Dec 02, 2023
How is agreeableness measured?
Agreeableness is often measured through personality assessments.

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Is amenable a trait valued in leadership?
Yes, amenable leaders are often valued for their openness and responsiveness.

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Is amenable related to willingness to change?
Yes, amenable implies a willingness to consider change or new ideas.

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Can agreeable describe situations, not just people?
Yes, situations or conditions can also be described as agreeable.

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Can organizations or systems be amenable?
Yes, they can be described as amenable if they are open to changes or suggestions.

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Can a compromise be described as agreeable?
Yes, if a compromise is pleasing and acceptable to all parties, it is agreeable.

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Does agreeableness vary across cultures?
Yes, perceptions of agreeableness can vary depending on cultural norms.

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Is amenable a character trait or a behavior?
It can be both, depending on how it's used in context.

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Does agreeable have the same meaning as nice?
They are similar, but agreeable includes a broader sense of pleasantness and harmony.

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Dec 02, 2023
Can an amenable attitude lead to better teamwork?
Yes, an amenable attitude often contributes positively to teamwork and collaboration.

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Dec 02, 2023
How does agreeableness affect social relationships?
High agreeableness often leads to harmonious and positive social interactions.

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Dec 02, 2023
What makes a situation amenable to a solution?
A situation is amenable to a solution if it can be effectively acted upon or resolved.

Shumaila Saeed
Dec 02, 2023
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Shumaila SaeedShumaila Saeed, an expert content creator with 6 years of experience, specializes in distilling complex topics into easily digestible comparisons, shining a light on the nuances that both inform and educate readers with clarity and accuracy.