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Power vs. Authority: Know the Difference

Shumaila Saeed
By Shumaila Saeed || Updated on December 25, 2023
Power is the ability to influence or control behavior, whereas authority is the recognized or legitimate right to exercise power.
Power vs. Authority

Key Differences

Power refers to the capacity to influence or control the actions of others, regardless of one's formal position, whereas Authority is the legitimate and formal right to give orders and make decisions. Power can exist without authority, manifesting as influence or persuasion.
Shumaila Saeed
Shumaila Saeed
Dec 21, 2023
Authority is often granted through a structured process or by societal norms, signifying recognized and accepted power. Conversely, Power can be derived from various sources such as knowledge, experience, or personal charisma, and doesn't necessarily require formal recognition.
Shumaila Saeed
Shumaila Saeed
Dec 21, 2023
In the realm of Power, it can be exerted through coercion, persuasion, or by possessing skills or knowledge that others find valuable. Authority, however, is more about the formal rights that come from a role or position, like a manager in a company, and is less dependent on personal attributes.
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Shumaila Saeed
Dec 21, 2023
Authority also implies a responsibility and accountability to those who have granted it, such as constituents in a democracy. On the other hand, Power can be wielded without accountability, especially in informal settings or where it is derived from personal traits.
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Shumaila Saeed
Dec 21, 2023
Power can exist in all relationships and is more about dynamics and interactions. Authority is more specific to certain roles and is often outlined by laws or organizational rules, providing a structured approach to decision-making and leadership.
Shumaila Saeed
Shumaila Saeed
Dec 21, 2023

Comparison Chart


Can be informal, based on personal traits
Derived from a formal position or role
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Not necessarily recognized or legitimate
Generally recognized and accepted
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On personal abilities or situations
On formal structures and roles
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Often lacks formal accountability
Usually comes with accountability
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Widespread, in various contexts
More specific, often within organizations
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Power and Authority Definitions


Power is the ability to influence others' actions or decisions.
Her persuasive speech showcased her power to sway public opinion.
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Dec 15, 2023


Authority is the legitimate power to influence or guide.
The author's authority on medieval history is widely acknowledged.
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Dec 15, 2023


Power denotes the capacity to enforce rules or norms.
The government exercises its power through law enforcement.
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Dec 15, 2023


Authority is the recognized right to make decisions.
The principal's authority was respected by both teachers and students.
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Dec 15, 2023


Power involves possessing knowledge or expertise.
His power in the field of robotics made him a sought-after consultant.
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Authority encompasses the responsibility to lead or govern.
With great authority comes the responsibility to lead ethically.
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The ability or capacity to act or do something effectively
Is it in your power to undo this injustice?.
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The power to enforce laws, exact obedience, command, determine, or judge.
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Often powers A specific capacity, faculty, or aptitude
Her powers of concentration.
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One that is invested with this power, especially a government or body of government officials
Land titles issued by the civil authority.
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Physical strength or force exerted or capable of being exerted
The power of the waves.
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Power assigned to another; authorization
Deputies were given authority to make arrests.
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Effectiveness at moving one's emotions or changing how one thinks
A novel of great power.
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A public agency or corporation with administrative powers in a specified field
A city transit authority.
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The ability or official capacity to exercise control; authority
How long has that party been in power?.
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An accepted source of expert information or advice
A noted authority on birds.
A reference book often cited as an authority.
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The military strength or economic or political influence of a nation or other group
That country projects its power throughout the region.
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A quotation or citation from such a source
Biblical authorities for a moral argument.
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A country, nation, or other political unit having great influence or control over others
The western powers.
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Justification; grounds
On what authority do you make such a claim?.
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A supernatural being
The powers of evil.
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A conclusive statement or decision that may be taken as a guide or precedent.
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Powers(Christianity) The sixth of the nine orders of angels in medieval angelology.
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Power to influence or persuade resulting from knowledge or experience
Political observers who acquire authority with age.
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The energy or motive force by which a physical system or machine is operated
Turbines turned by steam power.
A sailing ship driven by wind power.
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Confidence derived from experience or practice; firm self-assurance
Played the sonata with authority.
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The capacity of a system or machine to operate
A vehicle that runs under its own power.
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(uncountable) Power or right to make or enforce rules or give orders; or a position having such power or right.
I have the authority to penalise the staff in my department, but not the authority to sack them.
Vigilantes may have the power to nab criminals, but they lack the authority.
She lost all respect and authority after turning up drunk at the meeting.
Respect my authority!
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Electrical or mechanical energy, especially as used to assist or replace human energy.
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(plural) Persons, regarded collectively, who occupy official positions of power; police or law enforcement.
Authorities say the suspect fled on foot.
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Electricity supplied to a home, building, or community
A storm that cut off power to the whole region.
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(countable) A reliable, definitive source of information on a subject.
The world's foremost authority on orangutans
My cheap dictionary is not the authority on word derivations.
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(Physics) The rate at which work is done, expressed as the amount of work per unit time and commonly measured in units such as the watt and horsepower.
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(uncountable) Status as a trustworthy source of information, reputation for mastery or expertise; or claim to such status or reputation.
Some thinkers regard appealing to authority as a logical fallacy; others regard it as a legitimate form of argument.
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The product of applied potential difference and current in a direct-current circuit.
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Official permission; authorisation to act in some capacity on behalf of a ruling entity.
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The product of the effective values of the voltage and current with the cosine of the phase angle between current and voltage in an alternating-current circuit.
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(countable) A government-owned agency that runs a revenue-generating activity for public benefit.
New York Port Authority
Chicago Transit Authority
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See exponent.
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Legal or rightful power; a right to command or to act; power exercised buy a person in virtue of his office or trust; dominion; jurisdiction; authorization; as, the authority of a prince over subjects, and of parents over children; the authority of a court.
Thus can the demigod, Authority,Make us pay down for our offense.
By what authority doest thou these things ?
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Dec 13, 2023


The number of elements in a finite set.
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Government; the persons or the body exercising power or command; as, the local authorities of the States; the military authorities.
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(Statistics) In a statistical test, the probability of correctly rejecting the null hypothesis when it is false.
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The power derived from opinion, respect, or esteem; influence of character, office, or station, or mental or moral superiority, and the like; claim to be believed or obeyed; as, an historian of no authority; a magistrate of great authority.
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A measure of the magnification of an optical instrument, such as a microscope or telescope.
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That which, or one who, is claimed or appealed to in support of opinions, actions, measures, etc.
Wilt thou be glass wherein it shall discernAuthority for sin, warrant for blame.
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Dec 13, 2023


Chiefly Upper Southern US A large number or amount. See Note at powerful.
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The power or right to give orders or make decisions;
He has the authority to issue warrants
Deputies are given authorization to make arrests
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(Archaic) An armed force.
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(usually plural) persons who exercise (administrative) control over others;
The authorities have issued a curfew
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Of or relating to political, social, or economic control
A power struggle.
A power base.
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An expert whose views are taken as definitive;
He is an authority on corporate law
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Operated with mechanical or electrical energy in place of bodily exertion
A power tool.
Power car windows.
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Freedom from doubt; belief in yourself and your abilities;
His assurance in his superiority did not make him popular
After that failure he lost his confidence
She spoke with authority
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Of or relating to the generation or transmission of electricity
Power companies.
Power lines.
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An administrative unit of government;
The Central Intelligence Agency
The Census Bureau
Office of Management and Budget
Tennessee Valley Authority
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(Informal) Of or relating to influential business or professional practices
A pinstriped suit with a power tie.
Met with high-level executives at a power breakfast.
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Official permission or approval;
Authority for the program was renewed several times
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To supply with power, especially mechanical or electrical power.
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An authoritative written work;
This book is the final authority on the life of Milton
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The ability to do or undergo something.
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Authority refers to a position of trust and command.
As a judge, she held the authority to interpret and apply the law.
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(social) The ability to coerce, influence, or control.
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Authority implies having official power or sanction.
The police officer's authority to arrest is granted by the law.
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(countable) The ability to affect or influence.
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Control or coercion, particularly legal or political (jurisdiction).
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The people in charge of legal or political power, the government.
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(metonymically) An influential nation, company, or other such body.
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An army, a military force.
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Physical force or strength.
He needed a lot of power to hit the ball out of the stadium.
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Electricity or a supply of electricity.
After the pylons collapsed, this town was without power for a few days.
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A measure of the rate of doing work or transferring energy.
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The strength by which a lens or mirror magnifies an optical image.
We need a microscope with higher power.
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A large amount or number.
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Any of the elementary forms or parts of machines: three primary (the lever, inclined plane, and pulley) and three secondary (the wheel-and-axle, wedge, and screw).
The mechanical powers
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Dec 13, 2023


A measure of the effectiveness that a force producing a physical effect has over time. If linear, the quotient of: (force multiplied by the displacement of or in an object) ÷ time. If rotational, the quotient of: (force multiplied by the angle of displacement) ÷ time.
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A product of equal factors (and generalizations of this notion): x^n, read as "x to the power of n" or the like, is called a power and denotes the product x \times x \times \cdots \times x, where x appears n times in the product; x is called the base and n the exponent.
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(set theory) Cardinality.
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(statistics) The probability that a statistical test will reject the null hypothesis when the alternative hypothesis is true.
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In Christian angelology, an intermediate level of angels, ranked above archangels, but exact position varies by classification scheme.
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(transitive) To provide power for (a mechanical or electronic device).
This CD player is powered by batteries.
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(transitive) To hit or kick something forcefully.
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To enable or provide the impetus for.
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Same as Poor, the fish.
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Ability to act, regarded as latent or inherent; the faculty of doing or performing something; capacity for action or performance; capability of producing an effect, whether physical or moral: potency; might; as, a man of great power; the power of capillary attraction; money gives power.
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Dec 13, 2023


Ability, regarded as put forth or exerted; strength, force, or energy in action; as, the power of steam in moving an engine; the power of truth, or of argument, in producing conviction; the power of enthusiasm.
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Dec 13, 2023


Capacity of undergoing or suffering; fitness to be acted upon; susceptibility; - called also passive power; as, great power of endurance.
Power, then, is active and passive; faculty is active power or capacity; capacity is passive power.
Shumaila Saeed
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Dec 13, 2023


The exercise of a faculty; the employment of strength; the exercise of any kind of control; influence; dominion; sway; command; government.
Power is no blessing in itself but when it is employed to protect the innocent.
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Dec 13, 2023


The agent exercising an ability to act; an individual invested with authority; an institution, or government, which exercises control; as, the great powers of Europe; hence, often, a superhuman agent; a spirit; a divinity.
And the powers of the heavens shall be shaken.
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Dec 13, 2023


A military or naval force; an army or navy; a great host.
Never such a power . . . Was levied in the body of a land.
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Dec 13, 2023


A large quantity; a great number; as, a power o good things.
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The rate at which mechanical energy is exerted or mechanical work performed, as by an engine or other machine, or an animal, working continuously; as, an engine of twenty horse power.
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A mechanical agent; that from which useful mechanical energy is derived; as, water power; steam power; hand power, etc.
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The product arising from the multiplication of a number into itself; as, a square is the second power, and a cube is third power, of a number.
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A machine acted upon by an animal, and serving as a motor to drive other machinery; as, a dog power.
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Mental or moral ability to act; one of the faculties which are possessed by the mind or soul; as, the power of thinking, reasoning, judging, willing, fearing, hoping, etc.
The guiltiness of my mind, the sudden surprise of my powers, drove the grossness . . . into a received belief.
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Dec 13, 2023


The degree to which a lens, mirror, or any optical instrument, magnifies; in the telescope, and usually in the microscope, the number of times it multiplies, or augments, the apparent diameter of an object; sometimes, in microscopes, the number of times it multiplies the apparent surface.
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An authority enabling a person to dispose of an interest vested either in himself or in another person; ownership by appointment.
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Hence, vested authority to act in a given case; as, the business was referred to a committee with power.
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Possession of controlling influence;
The deterrent power of nuclear weapons
The power of his love saved her
His powerfulness was concealed by a gentle facade
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(physics) the rate of doing work; measured in watts (= joules/second)
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Possession of the qualities (especially mental qualities) required to do something or get something done;
Danger heightened his powers of discrimination
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A state powerful enough to influence events throughout the world
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(of a government or government official) holding an office means being in power;
Being in office already gives a candidate a great advantage
During his first year in office
During his first year in power
The power of the president
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One possessing or exercising power or influence or authority;
The mysterious presence of an evil power
May the force be with you
The forces of evil
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Physical strength
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A mathematical notation indicating the number of times a quantity is multiplied by itself
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A very wealthy or powerful businessman;
An oil baron
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Supply the force or power for the functioning of;
The gasoline powers the engines
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Power refers to having control over resources or situations.
The CEO's power was evident in his ability to allocate company resources.
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Power can mean physical strength or capability.
The power of the storm uprooted trees and damaged homes.
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Dec 15, 2023

Repeatedly Asked Queries

What makes authority legitimate?

Authority is considered legitimate when it's granted through recognized and accepted social or organizational structures.
Shumaila Saeed
Shumaila Saeed
Dec 21, 2023

Can power be democratic?

Yes, power can be democratic when it's distributed and exercised by a group's consensus or vote.
Shumaila Saeed
Shumaila Saeed
Dec 21, 2023

What is power in a social context?

In a social context, power is the ability to influence or control the actions and beliefs of others.
Shumaila Saeed
Shumaila Saeed
Dec 21, 2023

Is authority always formal?

Generally, authority is formal as it's often linked to specific roles or positions within a structured system.
Shumaila Saeed
Shumaila Saeed
Dec 21, 2023

Can authority exist without power?

Yes, one can have authority (a formal right) without actual power (the ability to influence), though it's less effective.
Shumaila Saeed
Shumaila Saeed
Dec 21, 2023

How is power gained?

Power can be gained through various means, including knowledge, experience, persuasion, or control of resources.
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Dec 21, 2023

What role does power play in leadership?

In leadership, power is crucial for influencing, guiding, and making decisions that impact a group or organization.
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Dec 21, 2023

Is authority inherent in certain positions?

Yes, certain positions, like government officials, inherently come with authority.
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Shumaila Saeed
Dec 21, 2023

Does authority always involve responsibility?

Generally, authority comes with responsibility to those who have granted it and for the decisions made.
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Shumaila Saeed
Dec 21, 2023

How does power affect relationships?

Power dynamics significantly influence relationships, impacting decision-making, interactions, and behavior.
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Can authority be delegable?

Yes, authority can often be delegated to others, particularly in organizational settings.
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Can authority be challenged?

Yes, authority can be challenged, especially if it's seen as illegitimate or unfairly exercised.
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Shumaila Saeed
Dec 21, 2023

How can authority be maintained?

Authority is maintained through consistent, fair, and ethical exercise of power and decision-making.
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Shumaila Saeed
Dec 21, 2023

What is an example of informal power?

Informal power is exemplified by a respected elder in a community whose opinions greatly influence others.
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Dec 21, 2023

Are power and authority interchangeable?

No, they are not interchangeable; power is about capability and influence, while authority is about formal rights.
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Dec 21, 2023

Is power dynamic?

Yes, power is dynamic and can change based on circumstances, relationships, and contexts.
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Dec 21, 2023

How do power and authority affect decision-making?

Both power and authority significantly affect decision-making, with power influencing through capability and authority through formal rights.
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Dec 21, 2023

How does societal culture affect power?

Societal culture significantly influences how power is perceived, acquired, and exercised.
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Dec 21, 2023

Can someone have power but not be in a leadership role?

Yes, individuals can have power due to personal traits or knowledge without being in a formal leadership role.
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Shumaila Saeed
Dec 21, 2023

Can power be negative?

Power can be negative if used coercively, unethically, or to harm others.
Shumaila Saeed
Shumaila Saeed
Dec 21, 2023

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About Author
Shumaila Saeed
Written by
Shumaila Saeed
Shumaila Saeed, an expert content creator with 6 years of experience, specializes in distilling complex topics into easily digestible comparisons, shining a light on the nuances that both inform and educate readers with clarity and accuracy.

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A coordinator aligns team tasks for efficiency, focusing on project logistics; a supervisor oversees staff performance, guiding and evaluating work.
Positivism vs. Post-PositivismPositivism vs. Post-Positivism
Shumaila SaeedShumaila Saeed
May 26, 2024
Positivism emphasizes observable, empirical evidence and the scientific method, while post-positivism recognizes the limitations of pure objectivity and incorporates subjective perspectives.
Symmetric vs. SymmetricalSymmetric vs. Symmetrical
Shumaila SaeedShumaila Saeed
December 9, 2024
Symmetric implies balance and equality in parts or arrangement, while symmetrical explicitly refers to mirror-like or harmonious proportions.
Shriners vs. MasonsShriners vs. Masons
Shumaila SaeedShumaila Saeed
February 29, 2024
Shriners are a subgroup within Freemasonry known for charitable work, especially children's hospitals; Masons are members of the larger, older fraternity of Freemasonry with broader goals and activities.
Fascism vs. DictatorshipFascism vs. Dictatorship
Hifza NasirHifza Nasir
March 2, 2024
Fascism is a political ideology with authoritarian nationalism; dictatorship is a governance form with absolute power in one person or group, differing in ideology and structure.
Pulley vs. SheavePulley vs. Sheave
Hifza NasirHifza Nasir
April 4, 2024
A pulley is a wheel on an axle designed to support movement and change of direction of a taut cable, while a sheave is the wheel part of a pulley system that specifically interacts with the cable.
Paranormal vs. SupernaturalParanormal vs. Supernatural
Shumaila SaeedShumaila Saeed
December 26, 2024
Paranormal involves phenomena beyond scientific explanation, focusing on events like ghost sightings. Supernatural encompasses all beyond natural laws, including deities and magic.
Shumaila SaeedShumaila Saeed
February 28, 2024
ASCII is a 7-bit character encoding standard for text; EBCDIC is an 8-bit character encoding used mainly in IBM mainframe systems.
Report vs. ArticleReport vs. Article
Shumaila SaeedShumaila Saeed
July 20, 2024
A report presents findings or results, often following research or analysis, while an article is a written piece on a wide range of topics, primarily for information or entertainment.
Bachelor vs. BatchelorBachelor vs. Batchelor
Hifza NasirHifza Nasir
December 22, 2024
"Bachelor" refers to an unmarried man; "Batchelor" is a less common spelling, often a surname or a place name, not used in the context of marital status.
Metrics vs. MatrixMetrics vs. Matrix
Hifza NasirHifza Nasir
October 19, 2024
Metrics refer to a system or standard of measurement, often used in evaluation and analysis, while a matrix is a rectangular array of numbers or symbols arranged in rows and columns.
NM3 vs. M3NM3 vs. M3
Hifza NasirHifza Nasir
April 19, 2024
NM3 measures gas volume under Normal conditions (0°C and 1.01325 bar), while M3 measures volume under the conditions at which it is measured, without standard adjustment.
The Atlantic vs. The New YorkerThe Atlantic vs. The New Yorker
Shumaila SaeedShumaila Saeed
February 27, 2024
The Atlantic is a magazine focusing on news, politics, and cultural commentary, while The New Yorker features a mix of reporting, commentary, criticism, fiction, and cartoons.
Mercy vs. CompassionMercy vs. Compassion
Hifza NasirHifza Nasir
December 18, 2024
Mercy involves leniency or forgiveness towards someone in one’s power, often not giving a punishment deserved, while compassion is the empathetic understanding and concern for the sufferings or misfortunes of others.
Ash vs. SootAsh vs. Soot
Dua FatimaDua Fatima
November 19, 2024
Ash is the residue left after combustion, mainly composed of mineral matter, while soot is a fine black powder formed by incomplete combustion of fuel.
Fluvial vs. AlluvialFluvial vs. Alluvial
Dua FatimaDua Fatima
June 20, 2024
Fluvial processes involve water flow in rivers, shaping the landscape, while alluvial refers to sediments deposited by water, often in floodplains.
TPU vs. PUTPU vs. PU
Shumaila SaeedShumaila Saeed
April 26, 2024
TPU is a type of thermoplastic elastomer with high elasticity and durability, while PU, or polyurethane, is versatile with varying hardness and used in multiple applications.
380 Auto vs. 38 Special380 Auto vs. 38 Special
Shumaila SaeedShumaila Saeed
February 29, 2024
The 380 Auto is a small, low-recoil pistol cartridge, whereas the 38 Special is a larger, more powerful revolver cartridge.
Celestial vs. TerrestrialCelestial vs. Terrestrial
Shumaila SaeedShumaila Saeed
December 8, 2024
Celestial refers to objects or phenomena beyond Earth's atmosphere, like stars or planets, while terrestrial pertains to Earth and its inhabitants.
Rescind vs. RevokeRescind vs. Revoke
Dua FatimaDua Fatima
July 10, 2024
Rescind involves officially cancelling a decision or agreement; revoke means to officially cancel the validity of something, often involving rights or licenses.
Cosmology vs. CosmogonyCosmology vs. Cosmogony
Shumaila SaeedShumaila Saeed
September 8, 2024
Cosmology studies the universe's structure, origin, and evolution, focusing on laws and theories, while cosmogony delves into specific myths, beliefs, and theories about the universe's creation.

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