Enrollment vs. Enrolment: Know the Difference

By Shumaila Saeed || Updated on December 25, 2023
"Enrollment" and "Enrolment" mean the same, the act of entering or registering in a list or register, but "Enrollment" is the preferred spelling in American English, while "Enrolment" is used in British English.

Key Differences
Enrollment is the American English spelling, while Enrolment is the British English version. Both refer to the process of registering or being registered.

Shumaila Saeed
Dec 05, 2023
In the U.S., universities talk about student "enrollment" numbers, while in the U.K., they refer to student "enrolment" figures.

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Dec 05, 2023
Official documents in the U.S. use "enrollment" for various registrations, whereas U.K. documents use "enrolment."

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Dec 05, 2023
While discussing the same concept, American publications maintain consistency using "enrollment," and British publications use "enrolment."

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Dec 05, 2023
Other English-speaking countries may favor one spelling over the other, often aligning with either American or British English preferences.

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Dec 05, 2023
Comparison Chart
Official Documents
"Health insurance enrollment"
"Health insurance enrolment"

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Dec 05, 2023
Language Consistency
Consistent in American English
Consistent in British English

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Dec 05, 2023
Global Preferences
Preferred in American-influenced regions
Preferred in British-influenced regions

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Dec 05, 2023
Enrollment and Enrolment Definitions
The total number of registered individuals.
The school's enrollment has reached its capacity.

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Dec 05, 2023
Admission into a course or school.
Her enrolment in the program was confirmed.

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Dec 05, 2023
A record or list of participants.
Her name was added to the course enrollment.

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Dec 05, 2023
Registering or being registered.
University enrolment is up by 10% this year.

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Dec 05, 2023
Joining a course or institution.
Enrollment in online courses has skyrocketed.

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The act of subscribing to a service.
Enrolment in the new plan is now open.

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The act of entering or registering.
The college saw an increase in enrollment this year.

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Total count of members or participants.
The course has a limited enrolment capacity.

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The process of signing up for services.
Open enrollment for health insurance starts soon.

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Dec 05, 2023
A list or count of participants.
He checked his name on the enrolment list.

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Dec 05, 2023
The body of people (such as students) who register or enroll at the same time

Shumaila Saeed
Oct 19, 2023
Repeatedly Asked Queries
Which spelling is used in American English?
"Enrollment" is used in American English.

Shumaila Saeed
Dec 05, 2023
Does the meaning change with the spelling?
No, both spellings convey the same meaning.

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Dec 05, 2023
Is "enrolment" acceptable in American English?
It's understood but not the preferred spelling.

Shumaila Saeed
Dec 05, 2023
Are "enrollment" and "enrolment" the same?
Yes, they refer to the same process but have different spellings.

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Dec 05, 2023
Which countries use "enrolment"?
Countries like the U.K., Australia, and Canada often use "enrolment."

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Dec 05, 2023
Is "enrollment" used in official U.S. documents?
Yes, "enrollment" is the standard in U.S. official documents.

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Dec 05, 2023
Does "enrolment" refer to school registration only?
No, it can refer to any kind of registration.

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Dec 05, 2023
Are there synonyms for "enrollment"?
Yes, like registration, admission, or subscription.

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Dec 05, 2023
Do universities use both spellings?
They typically use the spelling prevalent in their region.

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Dec 05, 2023
How do I know which spelling to use?
It depends on the regional variant of English you are using.

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Dec 05, 2023
Can I use "enrollment" in British English?
It's understood but not the standard spelling.

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Dec 05, 2023
Does "enrollment" have different meanings?
Its meanings are related to registration or joining.

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Dec 05, 2023
Does "enrollment" imply a formal process?
Generally, it refers to an official or formal registration.

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Dec 05, 2023
Can "enrolment" be used for online courses?
Yes, it applies to any form of course registration.

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Dec 05, 2023
Is "enrollment" used in legal documents in the U.S.?
Yes, it's the standard spelling in American legal contexts.

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Dec 05, 2023
Is one spelling more correct than the other?
No, both are correct in their respective forms of English.

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Dec 05, 2023
Is "enrollment" used in business contexts?
Yes, like in insurance or service enrollment.

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Dec 05, 2023
Can "enrolment" refer to a list of people?
Yes, it can mean a list or record of participants.

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Dec 05, 2023
Are there different types of "enrolment"?
Yes, like open enrolment, automatic enrolment, etc.

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Dec 05, 2023
Can "enrolment" be used in healthcare contexts?
Yes, like in the context of enrolling in a health plan.

Shumaila Saeed
Dec 05, 2023
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Shumaila SaeedShumaila Saeed, an expert content creator with 6 years of experience, specializes in distilling complex topics into easily digestible comparisons, shining a light on the nuances that both inform and educate readers with clarity and accuracy.